Friday, November 9, 2018

Thinking about Exercise

Anyone who knows me absolutely knows that I hate exercising.  I have disliked it since I was a child.  I think I was traumatized by my gym teacher in elementary school and it sparked an intense dislike for the rest of my life.  And well, since I am now officially a slug, literally only get up to walk to the car, walk into the office, or walk to the bathroom...I know sad right?  But that got me thinking....

I am one of those people who unfortunately want to jump in with both feet, but then when I burn out, as inevitably one would do, I just quit...but if I have a plan...yes, a plan, and one I can easily do each day, then maybe just maybe I can stick with it!

So here is what I came up with:

Day 1 - walk 50 steps, turn around and walk back to couch/chair/car...then each day add 25 more steps each way!  Yep it is THAT EASY (at least on paper) - just start small and add small increments. OMG, this totally made me think about the movie, "What About Bob."

But of course, that naturally got me thinking - how long would it take to get to the recommended 10000 steps in a day...and you know what....199 days that's all - not years, heck not even one year...just 199 days of adding 50 steps each day is all it takes.  And do you know that on day 365 (1 year from starting) I will be walking 18300 steps - that is around 8 miles or so.  Not bad to go from slug to walking 8 miles right?

I'm thinking I might start this now, and to hold myself accountable sign up to do the 5k Turkey Trot run/walk next Thanksgiving.

Dallas Turkey Trot

So who wants to join me - all it takes is a pair of walking shoes, and a small bit of time each day - starting out small of course! BABY STEPS out the door, baby steps around the office, BABY STEPS!  

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