Wednesday, March 17, 2021



So I was watching youtube stuff today, and saw a video about simplifying your life.  Sounds good right?  Well, this person basically said, in order to simplify your life, just hire a maid, get food delivered, and learn to say no.  I mean WTF...WTAF....yeah, that's not simplifying your life, that is having someone else live your life for you.  Not to mention, all that wasted money.  Simplifying should be that you can do your own cleaning, shopping, and "obligations" without a lot of effort or extra time.  Not just handing all the "hard" stuff over to someone else.  

I am really starting to hate the way youtube and social media is basically twisting around how we should live.  How about you don't need a 3000 sf home?  How about you don't need your children to be in EVERYTHING?  How about you cook simple food from simple ingredients?  When did we shift sooooooo far away from what is normal?  When did we shift so far away from common sense?

I am continuously amazed at the pictures people post on social media and the stories people share on youtube.  They aren't sharing their "real" life, they are sharing expectations.  Don't show the whole house, because it is a mess, just show your one little room with everything neatly styled and clutterfree.  Real life is messy.  

The definition of life is the capacity for growth, reproductions, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.  I don't want to see the fake life of people.  I want to witness the raw, unfiltered, beauty that is life!  

Social media is pretty much not about being social anymore.  Social media has isolated us; stuck us in the neat, clutter-free cell.  It's time we need to break free from Social media and get back to LIVING.  As Covid restrictions are coming to a close, as more and more people are being vaccinated, it is time for us to remember that LIVING requires growth, activity, and continual change - so can we all take a break from Social media and be actually Social?  

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