Wednesday, March 17, 2021



So I was watching youtube stuff today, and saw a video about simplifying your life.  Sounds good right?  Well, this person basically said, in order to simplify your life, just hire a maid, get food delivered, and learn to say no.  I mean WTF...WTAF....yeah, that's not simplifying your life, that is having someone else live your life for you.  Not to mention, all that wasted money.  Simplifying should be that you can do your own cleaning, shopping, and "obligations" without a lot of effort or extra time.  Not just handing all the "hard" stuff over to someone else.  

I am really starting to hate the way youtube and social media is basically twisting around how we should live.  How about you don't need a 3000 sf home?  How about you don't need your children to be in EVERYTHING?  How about you cook simple food from simple ingredients?  When did we shift sooooooo far away from what is normal?  When did we shift so far away from common sense?

I am continuously amazed at the pictures people post on social media and the stories people share on youtube.  They aren't sharing their "real" life, they are sharing expectations.  Don't show the whole house, because it is a mess, just show your one little room with everything neatly styled and clutterfree.  Real life is messy.  

The definition of life is the capacity for growth, reproductions, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.  I don't want to see the fake life of people.  I want to witness the raw, unfiltered, beauty that is life!  

Social media is pretty much not about being social anymore.  Social media has isolated us; stuck us in the neat, clutter-free cell.  It's time we need to break free from Social media and get back to LIVING.  As Covid restrictions are coming to a close, as more and more people are being vaccinated, it is time for us to remember that LIVING requires growth, activity, and continual change - so can we all take a break from Social media and be actually Social?  

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Credit Worthiness

So here's the question:
What good is having good credit if it really doesn't get you any better rates.  I went out this last weekend to buy a car.  My credit is crazy good.  Like CRAZY....and they still said the best they could do is  I don't understand.  I'm a good credit risk for a company, but they don't give me any benefits for being so?  What am I missing here?  IDK man...the world seems to be all topsy turvy with no incentive to do the right thing on any occasion.  I mean, dang, I have friends that have horrible credit and they never have a problem getting a car.  Maybe they pay twice as much interest - but I somehow doubt someone explain credit worthiness to me and why it is so dang important.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Messy Messy Messy

Do you ever just look around at your life and think, "How did I get here?"  I've been having these thoughts for so long now.

I don't know if I am having a mental breakdown, or just finally not trying to keep everything bottled up all nice and tidy, but dang, it sucks.  I cry at the drop of a hat, literally, drop a hat, I will start crying.  I can't say ANYTHING anymore to anyone without feeling all worked up. 

Maybe I just need to find a therapist...maybe I just need to be medicated beyond recognition...maybe I just don't know....

I'll just leave it at that for now. 

Friday, November 16, 2018


So another holiday is upon us and well, I for one choose to look at life as a series of happy moments.  So I am going to sit down with my family, eat me some copious amounts of scrummy foods and then I will most assuredly be eating some PIE...I really love PIE, but try not to eat it very often.

So without further ado:

Friday, November 9, 2018

Thinking about Exercise

Anyone who knows me absolutely knows that I hate exercising.  I have disliked it since I was a child.  I think I was traumatized by my gym teacher in elementary school and it sparked an intense dislike for the rest of my life.  And well, since I am now officially a slug, literally only get up to walk to the car, walk into the office, or walk to the bathroom...I know sad right?  But that got me thinking....

I am one of those people who unfortunately want to jump in with both feet, but then when I burn out, as inevitably one would do, I just quit...but if I have a plan...yes, a plan, and one I can easily do each day, then maybe just maybe I can stick with it!

So here is what I came up with:

Day 1 - walk 50 steps, turn around and walk back to couch/chair/car...then each day add 25 more steps each way!  Yep it is THAT EASY (at least on paper) - just start small and add small increments. OMG, this totally made me think about the movie, "What About Bob."

But of course, that naturally got me thinking - how long would it take to get to the recommended 10000 steps in a day...and you know what....199 days that's all - not years, heck not even one year...just 199 days of adding 50 steps each day is all it takes.  And do you know that on day 365 (1 year from starting) I will be walking 18300 steps - that is around 8 miles or so.  Not bad to go from slug to walking 8 miles right?

I'm thinking I might start this now, and to hold myself accountable sign up to do the 5k Turkey Trot run/walk next Thanksgiving.

Dallas Turkey Trot

So who wants to join me - all it takes is a pair of walking shoes, and a small bit of time each day - starting out small of course! BABY STEPS out the door, baby steps around the office, BABY STEPS!  

Friday, September 28, 2018

Planning for Planning

So I have been working very hard at setting up my planner for next year (yep, I'm planning for planning!)

I've tried buying commercial products and while they "work", it was just never as much fun as actually making my own planning pages.  So I put together my calendar already; and yes I started with Monday on my calendar, because for me Saturday and Sunday get lumped together most weekends, so I only included one box for the "Weekend".  I also am doing a gray scale theme this year.  Mostly because friggin colored ink is too darned expensive and I am trying to budget this year.  Well, at least a little bit.

But then I started thinking, what else do I want to put in my planner.  I've got the typical stuff, but then I let my creative juices flow and I came up with a couple of food related pages.  Restaurants I want to try and recipes I want to try.  This is what I came up with for the Recipes page:

Monday, September 17, 2018

Why Do We Fall For It?

So, I was watching some TV this weekend, and saw an ad for Michael's. 

I instantly perked up because I am a sucker for artsy/craftsy things.  I noticed that they were having this MEGA sale...up to 70% off regular price.  And this got me thinking.  I have been in Michael's and other stores, the biggest one that comes to mind is Kohl's, and seen the huge % off signs and thought wow what a sale...but now I always start to think, but wait...who EVER pays the regular price for these items.  I know you are saying this is the regular price, but shouldn't the "regular" price be the price where you can actually sell it? 

Image result for Michael's Sale

After sitting there and thinking about this for a while, I started to feel duped.  I mean, obviously I don't trust stores and their "sales" regularly, but dang, I really started to feel like this is some big conspiracy.  I am sure there is some "psychological" reason for why they do this, I mean they totally sucked me in at first too.  It just seems so manipulative.  Maybe it is just because I have a different mindset now, after finally sitting down and taking a hard look around my home, as well as my bank account and the past 5 years of credit card statements and saying, ENOUGH, but I wonder how many other people actually feel this way?  Am I alone is feeling like they are trying to pull a fast one?

Image result for Budget